Anthology Contributions

Colling, S. “Fuga verso il selvaggio: Flaviu e il mistero di Dartmoor (Escape to the Wild: Flaviu and the Mystery of Dartmoor).” Zanne: Cronache Ribelli sulla Resistenza Animale. Cronache Ribelli, 2024.

Colling, S. “Preface.” Intersectionality of Critical Animal Studies: A Historical Collection, edited by A. J. Nocella and A. George, Peter Lang, 2019, pp. ix-xii.

Colling, S. “Animal Agency, Resistance, and Escape.” Critical Animal Studies: Towards Trans-species Social Justice, edited by M. Atsuko and J. Sorenson, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, pp. 21-44.

Corman, L., and S. Colling. “Propagandhi.” Rebel Music: Resistance through Hip Hop and Punk, edited by P. Parmar et al., Information Age Publishing, 2015, pp. 29-39.

Colling, S., S. Parson, and A. Alessandro. “Until All Are Free: Total Liberation through Revolutionary Decolonization, Groundless Solidarity, and a Relationship Framework.” Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation, edited by A. J. Nocella et al., Peter Lang Publishing, 2014, pp. 51-73.

Colling, S. “Transnational Feminism and Eco-ability: Transgressing the Borders of Normalcy and Nation.” Eco-Ability and Inclusive Education: Nature, Animals, and Disability, edited by J. K. Bentley et al., Peter Lang Publishing, 2012, pp. 91-107.


Colling, S. “Quando le Orche Parlano - Ascoltate Attentamente (When Orcas Speak - Listen Carefully.)” Liberazioni – Rivista di critica antispecista, no. 56, 2024.

Colling, S. “When Orcas Speak: Listen Carefully.” Medium, 27 Nov. 2023.

Colling, S. "Living Simply in a Tiny House." Folklife, vol. 7, "An Education," 2023, pp. 96-99.

Colling, S. Review of Children's Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation - Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019, p. 6.


Colling, S. Animal Resistance in the Global Capitalist Era. MSU Press, 2020.

Colling, S. Chickpea Runs Away. Vegan Publishers, 2019.

Colling, S. Animali in Rivolta: Confini, Resistenza e Solidarietà Umana (Animals in Revolt: Borders, Resistance, and Human Solidarity). Mimesis Publishers, 2017.


Sennhauser, T. “They Would All Escape if They Could.Animal in Focus. 2024.

Etemad, M. “Dieren Komen Voortdurend in Verzet, Zegt Dier-Menswetenschapper Sarat Colling (Animals are Constantly Resisting, Says Animal-Human Scientist Sarat Colling).” OneWorld, 2023.

Bekoff, M. “Listening to the Voices of Animals Who Resist Exploitation.” Psychology Today, 2021.


Colling, S. “Animals Without Borders: Farmed Animal Resistance in New York.” MA thesis, Brock University, 2012.